2002-2006 西北农林科技大学,生物技术专业,理学学士
2007-2009 江南大学,发酵工程专业,工学硕士
2009-2014 江南大学,发酵工程专业,工学博士
2014-2017 江南大学,生物工程学院,讲师
2016-至今 江南大学,物联网工程学院,博士后
2017-至今 江南大学,生物工程学院,副教授
1、 Jia L-Q, Shi Z-P, Yan J, Ding J, Hua Q. Enhancing heterologous proteins production by MutS Pichia pastoris via periodic methanol induction control[J]. AIChE Journal,2020,66(1).
2、 Ding J, Xu M, Xie F, Chen C, Shi Z-P*. Efficient butanol production using corn-starch and waste Pichia pastoris semi-solid mixture as the substrate, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019.春季, 143: 41~47.
3、 Ding J, Luo H-Z, Xie F, Wang H, Xu M; Shi Z-P*. Electron receptor addition enhances butanol synthesis in ABE fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 247: 1201~1205.
4、 Jia L-Q, Gao M-J, Yan J, Chen S-S, Sun J-W, Huai Q, Ding J*, Shi Z-P*. Evaluation of the sub-optimal induction strategies for heterologous proteins production by Pichia pastoris Mut+/MutS strains and related transcriptional and metabolic analysis, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018.冬季, 34.
5、 Jia L-Q, Enock Mpofu, Tu T-Y, Huai Q-Q, Sun J-W, Chen S-S, Ding J*, Shi Z-P*. Transcriptional analysis for carbon metabolism and kinetic modeling for heterologous proteins productions by Pichia pastoris in induction process with methanol/sorbitol co-feeding, Process Biochemistry, 2017, 59: 159~166.
6、 Ding J, Tu T-Y, Huai Q-Q, Sun J-W, Chen S-S, Li X, Shi Z-P*, Ding J*. Enhancing monellin production by Pichia pastoris at low cell induction concentration via effectively regulating methanol metabolism patterns and energy utilization efficiency , Plos One, 2017, 12(10).
7、 Ding, J, Enock Mpofu, Gao M-J*, Ren X-D*. An on-line adaptive glucose feeding system incorporating patterns recognition for glucose concentration control in glutamate fermentations , Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2016, 21(6): 758~766.
8、 Ding J*, Gao M-J, Hou G-L, Liang K-X. Effect of ethanol accumulation on porcine interferon-α production by Pichia pastoris and activities of key enzymes in carbon metabolism, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 176: 1964~1974.
9、 Ding J*, Wang H-H, Dai K-K, Zi Y-H, Shi Z-P. Prediction of porcine interferon α antiviral activity in fermentation by Pichia pastoris based on multivariable regression and artificial neural network, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2014.春季, 20(1): 29~38.
10、 Ding J, Zhang C-L*, Gao M-J, Hou G-L, Liang K-X, Li C-H, Ni J-P, Li Z, Shi Z-P. Enhanced porcine circovirus Cap protein production by Pichia pastoris with a fuzzy logic DO control based methanol/sorbitol co-feeding induction strategy , Journal of Biotechnology, 2014.5.10, 177: 35~44.
11、 Ding J, Gao M-J, Hou G-L, Liang K-X, Yu Y-S, Li Z, Shi Z-P*. Stabilizing porcine interferon-α production by Pichia pastoris with an ethanol on-line measurement based DO-Stat glycerol feeding strategy, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2014.秋季, 89: 1948~1953.
12、 Ding J, Cao Y, Enock Mpofu, Shi Z-P*. A hybrid support vector machine and fuzzy reasoning based fault diagnosis and rescue system for stable glutamate fermentation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2012 .9, 90(9): 1197~1207.
1、 丁健,张许. 一种基于差分进化算法的酵母培养在线自适应控制方法. 专利号:201510689736,2015-10-21
2、 于瑞嵩,史仲平,高敏杰,丁健,董世娟,朱于敏. 一种应用重组毕赤酵母稳定地生产猪α干扰素的方法. 专利号:201310488705.8,2013-10-17
3、 史仲平,丁健,王浩,罗洪镇,陈锐,何珍妮. 一种自由控制丙丁梭菌ABE发酵丙酮生产产量与丙酮/丁酸比的方法. 专利号:201610037929.0,2019-3-19
1、丁健; 陈祖华; 张劲楠; 朱容辰, “百仑慧神”数据采集软件,2019SR0014092, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2018.6.10
2、丁健; 陈祖华; 张劲楠; 朱容辰, “百仑慧神”数据分析软件,2019SR0014083,
原始取得, 全部权利, 2018.1.10
1、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,MutS 和 Mut+型重组毕赤酵母表达外源蛋白关键因素的转录组学分析和优化控制
4. 企业合作项目,“百仑慧神”发酵数据采集/分析软件的开发