2016-至今, 江南大学,生物工程学院,副教授;
1. Wang XH, Zhao C, Lu XY, Zong H, Zhuge B. Production of Caffeic Acid with Co-fermentation of Xylose and Glucose by Multi-modular Engineering in Candida glycerinogenes[J]. ACS synthetic biology, 2022. 11(2): 900-908.
2. Qiao YM, Zhou J, Lu XY, Zong H, Zhuge B.Improving the productivity of Candida glycerinogenes in the fermentation of ethanol from non-detoxified sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate by a hexose transporter mutant[J]. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2021. 131(4): 1787-1799.
3. Qiao YM, Li CL, Lu XY, Zong H, Zhuge B.Transporter engineering promotes the co-utilization of glucose and xylose by Candida glycerinogenes for D-xylonate production[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2021. 175:108150.
4. Qiao YM, Li CL, Lu XY, Zong H, Zhuge B. Identification of key residues for efficient glucose transport by the hexose transporter CgHxt4 in high sugar fermentation yeast Candida glycerinogenes[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021. 105(19): 7295-7307.
5. Jiang YD, Qin YY, Zong H, Lu XY, Zhuge B. Enhance Saccharomyces cerevisiae furfural tolerance by the introduction of Candida glycerinogenes transcription factors CgSTB5 or CgSEF1[J]. Microbiology China, 2021. 48(10): 3449-3456.
6. Wang YQ, Zhang ZY, Lu XY, Zong H, Zhuge B. Genetic engineering of an industrial yeast Candida glycerinogenes for efficient production of 2-phenylethanol[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020. 104(24): 10481-10491.
7. Wang YQ, Zhang ZY, Lu XY, Zong H, Zhuge B. Transcription factor Hap5 induces gsh2 expression to enhance 2-phenylethanol tolerance and production in an industrial yeast Candida glycerinogenes[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020. 104(9): 4093-4107.
8. Wang YD, Lin YP, Lu XY, Zhuge B, Zong H. Selection and application of novel high temperature inducible promoters in the tolerant yeast Candida glycerinogenes[J]. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2020. 130(1): 1-5.
9. Wang, YQ; Zhang, H; Lu, XY; Hong, Z; Bin, ZG.Advances in 2-phenylethanol production from engineered microorganisms. Biotechnol Adv. 2019. 37:403–409.
1. 诸葛斌, 马腾飞, 陆信曜, 宗红, 任全路. 一种通过代谢工程改造提高蒎烯生物合成的方法. ZL202011453875.9.
2. 诸葛斌, 王希晖, 陆信曜, 宗红, 赵翠. 一种咖啡酸的生物制备方法. ZL202011446180.8.
3. 诸葛斌, 林研平, 王亚迪, 宗红, 陆信曜. 一种由高温诱导表达的启动子及其应用. ZL201911358541.0.
4. 诸葛斌, 马腾飞, 宗红, 陆信曜, 任全路. 一种高浓度蒎烯耐受性产蒎烯工程菌的构建方法. ZL201911049349.3.
5. 诸葛斌, 周家豪, 何强, 陆信曜, 宗红.一种在酸条件下诱导表达的启动子. ZL201711101047.7.
1. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金:抗逆酵母合成非天然含能物质1,2,4-丁三醇动态调控新系统的研究(21708016),主持;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金:基于NADH平衡的甘油发酵-催化3-羟基丙酸合成系统基础研究(BK20140134)),主持;
3. 江南大学自主科研计划-青年基金:拟无枝酸菌羟基化酶的研究(JUSRP1008),主持;
4. 国防军工项目:高含氧增塑剂的生物制备方法研究(402040203),参与;
5. 国家自然科学基金:Candida glycerinogenes 过量合成甘油过程中渗透压对EMP/HMP 途径代谢偏转的调控研究(31270080),参与;
6. 江南大学本科教学改革项目:强化“由感性向理性升华”的基础生物学实验教学改革研究 ,第二负责人;
1. 中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖(2013,3/9);
2. 入职教师微格教学评比优秀奖(2013年);
3. 江南大学新华扬奖教金二等奖(2014年);
4. 江南大学本科优秀毕业(设计)论文指导教师(2016);