吴俊俊,江南大学生物工程学院教授,博士生导师,加州大学伯克利分校访问学者(合作导师:美国工程院院士Jay Keasling),江南大学与华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校联合培养博士,师从陈坚院士。先后获得国家优秀青年科学基金、江苏省杰出青年基金、江苏省科协"青年科技人才托举工程"培养对象、江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师、南京农业大学第四批“钟山学者”学术新秀等称号。担任南京市微生物学会理事,南京市食品中级职称委员会委员,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,南京农业大学食品科技学院青年教师委员会副主任,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology的评审编辑,Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (IF=5.005)的评审编辑,中国食品学报第四届编委会青年委员,中国生物工程学会学术委员会委员。
2019/09-2020/10,加州大学伯克利分校,访问学者(合作导师:美国工程院院士Jay Keasling)
2015/6 - 2017/12,南京农业大学,食品科技学院,讲师;
2012/9 - 2015/6,江南大学,生物工程学院,博士;
2012/2 - 2012/11,华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校,联合培养;
2010/9 - 2012/6,江南大学,生物工程学院,硕士;
2006/9 - 2010/6,安徽大学,生命科学学院,学士。
1. Junjun Wu*, Lin Zhou, Hu Peng, Zhaojun Wang, Zhaoshi Wang, Jay D Keasling, Shike Liu, Guanghong Zhou, Shijie Ding, Qiong Wang, Xuejian Wang, Xinxiu Chen, Yifei Lang, Mo Xia, Xin Guan, Mingsheng Dong, Jingwen Zhou, Jian Chen, 2023, A general and convenient peptide self-assembling mechanism for developing supramolecular versatile nanomaterials based on the biosynthetic hybrid amyloid-resilin protein. Advanced Materials. (IF=29.400)
2. Hu Peng, Lin Zhou, Xuguo Duan, Zhaojun Wang, Zhaoshi Wang, Mo Xia, Mingsheng Dong,Junjun Wu*. 2022. A multi-layer genome mining and phylogenomic analysis to construct efficient and autonomous efflux system for medium chain fatty acids. Food Materials Research. 2:15.
3. Wu, J.J., Zhou, L., Duan, X.G., Peng, H., Liu, S.K., Zhuang, Q.Q., Pablo, C.M., Fan, X., Ding, S.J., Dong, M.S., Zhou, J.W., 2021. Applied evolution: Dual dynamic regulations-based approaches in engineering intracellular malonyl-CoA availability. Metabolic Engineering. 67, 403-416. (IF=9.76)
4. Wu, J.J., Bao, M.J., Duan, X.G., Zhou, P., Chen, C.W., Gao, J.H., Cheng, S.Y., Zhuang, Q.Q., Zhao, Z.J., 2020. Developing a pathway-independent and full-autonomous global resource allocation strategy to dynamically switching phenotypic states.Nature Communications. 11(1), 5521. (IF=12.123)
5. Wu, J.J.,Wang, Z., Duan, X.G., Zhou P., Liu, P.C., Pang, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, X.J., Li, W., Dong, M.S., 2019. Construction of artificial micro-aerobic metabolism for energy- and carbon-efficient synthesis of medium chain fatty acids in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering. 53, 1-13. (IF=9.76)
6. Wu, J.J.,Wang, Z., Zhang, X., Zhou P., Xia, X.D., Dong, M.S., 2019. Improving medium chain fatty acid production in Escherichia coli by multiple transporter engineering. Food Chemistry. 272, 628-634. (IF=6.35).
7. Wu, J.J*.,Zhang, X., Zhou, P; Xia, X.D., Dong, M.S*., 2017. Improving metabolic efficiency of the reverse beta-oxidation cycle by balancing redox cofactor requirement. Metabolic Engineering. 44, 313-324. (IF=9.76)
8. Wu, J.J.,Zhang, X., Xia, X.D., Dong, M.S., 2017. A systematic optimization of medium chain fatty acid biosynthesis via the reverse beta-oxidation cycle in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering. 41, 115-124. (IF=9.76)
9. Wu, J.J., Zhang, X., Zhu, Y.J., Tan, Q.Y., He, J.C., Dong, M.S., 2017. Rational modular design of metabolic network for efficient production of plant polyphenol pinosylvin. Scientific Reports. 7, 1459.
10. Wu, J.J., Zhou, P., Zhang, X., Dong, M.S., 2017. Efficient de novo synthesis of resveratrol by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Journal of Industrial Microbiology Biotechnoloy. 44, 1083-1095.
11. Wu, J.J., Zhang, X., Zhou, J.W., Dong, M.S., 2016. Efficient biosynthesis of (2S)-pinocembrin from D-glucose by integrating engineering central metabolic pathways with a pH-shift control strategy. Bioresource Technology. 218, 999-1007. (IF=9.67)
12. Wu, J.J., Zhang, X., Dong, M.S., 2016. Stepwise modular pathway engineering of Escherichia coli for efficient one-step production of (2S)-pinocembrin. Journal of Biotechnology. 231, 183-192.
13. Wu, J.J., Du, G.C., Zhou, J.W.,Chen, J., 2015. Enhanced flavonoid production by fine-tunning the central metabolic pathways based on CRISPR interference system in Escherichia coli. Scientific reports.
14. Wu, J.J., Du, G.C., Zhou, J.W., Chen, J., 2013a. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for (2S)-pinocembrin production from glucose by a modular metabolic strategy. Metabolic Engineering. 16, 48-55.(IF=9.76)
15. Wu, J.J., Liu, P.R., Bao, H., Fan, Y.M., Du, G.C., Zhou, J.W., Chen, J., 2013b. Multivariate modular metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to produce resveratrol from L-tyrosine. Journal of Biotechnology. 167, 404-411.
16. Wu, J.J.,Zhou., T.T., Du, G.C., Zhou, J.W.,Chen, J., 2014. Modular optimization of heterologous pathways for de novo synthesis of (2S)-naringenin in Escherichia coli. Plos one.9, e101492.
17. Wu, J.J., Du, G.C., Zhou, J.W.,Chen, J., 2014. Systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms towards large-scale production of flavonoid scaffolds. Journal of Biotechnology. 188, 72-80.
18. Wu, J.J., Du, G.C., Zhou, J.W., Chen, J., 2014. Fine-tuning of fatty acid pathway based on synthetic antisense RNAs to achieve high-yield (2S)-naringenin production from L-tyrosine in Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80, 7283-7292. (IF=3.8)
19. 周朋, 王喆, 包美娇, 董明盛, 吴俊俊, 2019.微生物群体感应系统的调控机制及应用研究进展. 生物加工过程. 10.3969/j.issn.1672-3678. 2019.03.002
20. 孙玲,吴俊俊*,2022,中链脂肪酸研究进展及应用现状,中国食品添加剂. 12,50-55
1.Sun Mingmei, Xu Xiao, Zhang Qiuqin, Rui Xin, Wu Junjun, Dong Mingsheng, 2018. Ultrasonic-assisted Aqueous Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Oil from Clanis bilineata. Journal of Oleo Science, 67(2):151-165
2.Ge Zhiwen, Bao Xuan, Li Zhiyu, Chen Xiaohong, Li Wei, Rui Xin, Wu Junjun, Zhang Qiuqin, Dong Mingsheng. 2022. In situ exopolysaccharides produced by Lactobacillus helveticus MB2-1 and its effect on gel properties of Sayram ketteki yoghurt. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 208:314-323.
3.Zhu Haozhe, Wu Zhongyuan, Ding Xi, J.Post Mark, Guo Renpeng, Wang Jie, Wu Junjun, Tang Wenlai, Ding Shijie, Zhou Guanghong. 2022. Production of cultured meat from pig muscle stem cells. Biomaterials, 287:121650
4. Tang Weizhi, Zhou Jianzhong, Xu Qian, Dong Mingsheng, Fan Xia, Rui Xin, Zhang Qiuqin, Chen Xiaohong, Jiang Mei, Wu Junjun, Li Wei. 2020, In vitro digestion and fermentation of released exopolysaccharides (r-EPS) from Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus SRFM-1.Carbohydrate Polymers, 230, 115593
5.Xu Qingqing, Tang Qingyun, Xu Yang, Wu Junjun, Mao Xiangzhao, Li Fuli, Wang Shian, Wang Yonghua. 2023, Biotechnology in Future Food Lipids: Opportunities and Challenges. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 14:14.1-14.22
6.Guo Xiuyun, Wu Junjun, Meng Xiangren, Zhang Yawei, Peng Zengqi, 2022, Oxidative characteristics and gel properties of porcine myofibrillar proteins affected by L-lysine and L-histidine in a dose-dependent manner at a low and high salt concentration. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57: 2556-2567
7.Yu Yangyang, Zhen Shenghu, Chao Shaoliang, Wu Junjun, Chen Liang, Li Shanwei, Xiao Xiang, Zhou Xiangtong, 2022, Electrochemistry of newly isolated Gram-positive bacteria Paenibacillus lautus with starch as sole carbon source. Electrochimica Acta, 411:140068.
8.Zhu Yuxia, Peng Zengqi, Wu Junjun, Zhang Yawei, 2022, Stability of oil-in-water emulsions with eggplant flesh pulp (Solanum melongena L.) emulsifier: Effects of storage time, pH, ionic strength, and temperature. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 87(3):1119-1133.
9.Tang Weizhi, Han Shuo, Zhou Jianzhong, Xu Qian, Dong Mingsheng, Fan Xia, Rui Xin, Zhang Qiuqin, Chen Xiaohong, Jiang Mei, Wu Junjun, Li Wei. 2020, Selective fermentation of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus SRFM-1 derived exopolysaccharide by Lactobacillus and Streptococcus strains revealed prebiotic properties. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS, 69: 103952
10.Wang Chenyang, Wu Junjun, Shi Binchao, Shi Jiping, Zhao Zhijun, 2020, Improving l-serine formation by Escherichia coli by reduced uptake of produced l-serine. MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES, 19(1):66
11.Meng Ling, Li Zhiyu, Liu Lizhi, Chen Xiaohong, Wu Junjun, Li Wei, Zhang Xuhui, Dong Mingsheng, 2020, Lead removal from water by a newly isolated Geotrichum candidum LG-8 from Tibet kefir milk and its mechanism. CHEMOSPHERE, 259:127507.
1. 国家优秀青年科学 ,食品合成生物学与微生物制造,32322069,2024.01.01-2026.12.31
2. 江苏省杰出青年基金,中链脂肪酸微生物合成机制,BK20211526,2021.07-2024.06,100万,主持
3. 江苏省自然科学基金前沿引领技术基础研究专项,蛋白质功能设计与高效制造的核心技术基础,BK20202002 ,2020-2025,200万,主持;
4. 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目,基于食品合成生物学的中链油脂特色农业生产技术的研发与建立,2020.09-2022.08,SCX(20)3332, 30万,主持;
5. 中国博士后科学基金第13批特别资助人员,205753, 2020.06-2022.05, 18万;
6. 中央业务费广西大学联合申报基金,微生物法利用甘蔗糖蜜高效合成中链脂肪酸的产物内在抑制机制研究,2020-2021,KYGD202003, 7.5万,主持;
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.31972060, 2020.01.01-2023.12.31,基于多维度组学技术及其关联分析的微生物法合成中链脂肪酸全局瓶颈步骤解析,70万,主持;
8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,No.31601448,2017.01.01-2019.12.31,基于系统代谢工程的逆向脂肪酸氧化途径合成中链脂肪酸的调控机制研究,25万,主持;
9. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,BK20160718,2016.07.01-2019.06.31,微生物高效合成中链脂肪酸的调控机制研究,20万,主持;
10. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划, 2018K030B, 2018.07.01-2020.07.31,基于系统代谢工程的中链脂肪酸调控机制研究, 5万,主持;
11. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助,2018M640491,2018.09.01-2020.08.31,基于定量代谢组学的中链脂肪酸合成机制解析,8万,主持;
12. 中央高校基本业务费,KYZ201654,2016.01.01-2018.12.31,微生物法合成中链脂肪酸的调控机制研究,10万,主持;
13. 中央高校基本业务费,KJQN201728,2016.06.01-2018.12.31,微生物法高效合成中链脂肪酸研究,10万,主持。
3. 2019年,获得江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师
4. 2019年,获得南京农业大学第四批“钟山学者”学术新秀
5. 2020年,获得南京农业大学食品科技学院年度青年教师学术报告一等奖
6. 2021年,获得江苏省杰出青年基金
1. 一种超分子弹性蛋白及其制备的水凝胶和应用,2023100553422,申请日:2023 年 01 月 13 日,申请人:江南大学,主要完成人:吴俊俊,陈坚,周景文,王兆石,王召君
2. 一种可以使任意重组蛋白自组装成超分子胶体的方法,申请号:2023100556469申请日:2023 年 01 月 13 日,申请人:江南大学,发明人:吴俊俊,陈坚,周景文,周琳,彭虎
3. 一种新型快速止血及组织粘附生物材料,申请号:2023100628471,申请日:2023 年 01 月 13 日,申请人:江南大学,发明人:吴俊俊,陈坚,周景文
4. 一种基于铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统的基因开关系统及其应用,201910583354.6,申请日: 2019年 6 月 28 日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,周朋,包美娇,董明盛
5. 一种高效中链脂肪酸转出蛋白 acrE 的鉴定, 201810774547.5,申请日: 2018 年 7 月 11 日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,章霞,董明盛
6. 一种高效中链脂肪酸转出蛋白 mdtC 的鉴定, 201810774377.0,申请日: 2018 年 7 月 11 日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,章霞,董明盛
7. 一种高效中链脂肪酸转出蛋白 mdtE 的鉴定, 201810774451.9,申请日: 2018 年 7 月 11 日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,章霞,董明盛
8. 一种基于费氏弧菌群体感应系统和 T7 表达系统的迭代基因电路及其应用,201911068687.1,申请日:2019年11月04日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,周朋,包美娇,董明盛,授权公告日:2022年12月20日(已经授权)
9. 构建于大肠杆菌中的粪肠球菌群体感应基因开关系统及其表达载体、工程菌和应用,202011082793.8,申请日:2020年10月10日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,周朋,包美娇,董明盛,授权公告日:2023年09月08日
10. 一株高产丙二酰辅酶 A 的基因工程菌及其构建方法和应用,201910845556.3,申请日:2019年09月06日,主要完成人:吴俊俊,周朋,包美娇,董明盛,授权公告日:2022年06月21日 (已经授权)
11. 一株以葡萄糖为底物合成生松素菌株的基因工程菌及其应用,201210454163.8,授权日:2014年11月26日,国家发明专利,已授权