教授,博士生导师,合作导师为中科院生物物理所饶子和院士,美国纽约大学博士后,主持十四五重点研发项目(首席科学家)、5项国家基金面上项目等共32个项目,潜心研究重要酶蛋白的高效表达与纯化,酶蛋白结构及构效关系,理性设计酶高效催化合成重要化学品。以第一/责任作者在 Adv Mater, EMBO J, ACS Catal, Biotech Adv, Green Chem等期刊发表论文89 篇,IF值>10的7篇,单篇IF值最高29.4,担任Front Bioeng Biotech期刊的副主编,授权国际发明专利 5 项,国家发明专利 36项,成果转让德国巴斯夫、安琪酵母、齐鲁制药等知名企业,取得显著社会经济效益。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才、江苏省六大人才高峰人才、江苏省333工程第二层次人才等。获2008年教育部高等学校技术发明一等奖、2015年江苏省科学技术二等奖(排1)、2020年安徽省科技进步二等奖(排1)、2020全国工商联A类创新成果(排1)等。
1992.09-1996.06 江西农业大学,农学专业,农学学士
1996.09-1999.06 江西农业大学,农学专业,农学硕士
2004.09-2009.06 江南大学,发酵工程,工学博士
2005.11-2007.11 中国科学院生物物理所,联合培养博士
2010.09-2015.09 江南大学,副教授
2011-2012 美国纽约大学,医学,博士后
2016.10-至今 江南大学,教授
(1) Rongzhen Zhang*, Jiawei Jiang, Junping Zhou, Yan Xu*, Rong Xiao, Xinhui Xia, Zhiming Rao*, Biofunctionalized “kiwifruit-assembly” of oxidoreductases in mesoporous ZnO/carbon nanoparticles for efficient asymmetric catalysis, Advanced Materials, 2018, 1705443. (IF2023=27.6)
(2) Junping Zhou, Rongzhen Zhang*, Taowei Yang, Qiaoli Liu, Junxian Zheng, Fang Wang, Fei Liu, Meijuan Xu, Xian Zhang, Zhiming Rao*, Relieving alosteric inhibition by designing active inclusion bodies and coating of the inclusion bodies with Fe3O4 nanomaterials for sustainable 2-oxobutyric acid production, ACS catalysis, 2018, 8: 8889-8901. (IF2023=11.3)
(3) Yaohui Li, Rongzhen Zhang*, Chi Wang, Farhad Forouhar, Oli Clarke, Sergey Vorobiev, Shikha Singh, Gaetano T. Montelione, Thomas Szyperski, Yan Xu*, John F. Hunt, Oligomeric interactions maintain active-site structure in a non-cooperative enzyme family, EMBO Journal, 2022, 41: e108368. (IF2023=11.4)
(4) Zhiwen Xi, Jingxin Rao, Xinyi Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Mingyue Zheng, Lihong Li, Wenchi Zhang, Yan Xu1, Rongzhen Zhang* , Deciphering the key loop: Enhancing L-threonine transaldolase's catalytic potential, ACS Catalysis, 2024 14 (14): 10462-10474. (IF2023=11.3)
(5) Xiubing Xie, Runyi Huang, Wenchi Zhang, Rongzhen Zhang*, Cofactor-dependence alteration of 7β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase: Enhancing one-pot synthesis efficiency of chenodeoxycholic acid to ursodeoxycholic acid through cofactor self-recycling, International Journal of Biological Macromolecule, 2024, 280:136328 (IF2023=7.7)
(6) Zhiwen Xi, Yan Xu, Zhiyong Liu, Xinyi Zhang, Qiang Zhu, Lihong Li, Rongzhen Zhang*, Enhanced synthesis of chloramphenicol intermediate L-threo-p-nitrophenylserine using engineered L-threonine transaldolase and by-product elimination, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 263: 130310. (IF2023=7.7)
(7) Zhiwen Xi, Lihong Li, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaolong Wu, Yan Xu, Rongzhen Zhang*, Rational design of L-threonine transaldolase-mediated system for enhanced florfenicol intermediate production, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72 (1): 461-474. (IF2023=5.7)
(8) Lihong Li, Rongzhen Zhang*, Yan Xu, Wenchi Zhang, Comprehensive screening strategy coupled with structure-guided engineering of L-threonine aldolase from Pseudomonas putida for enhanced catalytic efficiency towards L-threo-4-methylsulfonylphenylserine, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023, DO1: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1117890. (IF2023=5.7)
(9) Rongzhen Zhang, Yan Xu*, Rong Xiao, Redesigning alcohol dehydrogenases/reductases for more efficient biosynthesis of enantiopure isomers, Biotechnology Advances, 2015, 33(8): 1671–1684. (IF2023=12.1)
(10) Yingqi Ruan, Rongzhen Zhang*, Yan Xu, Directed Evolution of Maltogenic Amylase from Bacillus licheniformis R-53: Enhancing Activity and Thermostability Improves Bread Quality and Extends Shelf Life, Food Chemistry, 2022, 381: 132222. (IF2023=8.5)
(11) Zhiyong Liu, Yan Xu, Wenchi Zhang, Rongzhen Zhang*, Structure-based rational design of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases for improving and diversifying steroid synthesis, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2023, 43(5):770-786. (IF2023=8.2)
(12) Yingqi Ruan, Yan Xu, Wenchi Zhang, Rongzhen Zhang*, A New Maltogenic Amylase from Bacillus licheniformis R-53 Significantly Improves Bread Quality and Extends Shelf Life, Food Chemistry, 2021, 344: 128599. 15 May 2021. (IF2023=8.5)
(13) Gongli Zong, Jiafang Fu, Peipei Zhang, Wenchi Zhang, Yan Xu, Guangxiang Cao, Rongzhen Zhang*, Use of elicitors to enhance or activate the antibiotic production in Streptomyces, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2022, 42(8): 1260-1283. (IF2023=8.2)
(14) Yaohui Li, Rongzhen Zhang*, Yan Xu*, Structure-based mechanisms: On the way to apply alcohol dehydrogenases/reductases to organic-aqueous systems, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 168: 412-427. (IF=3.979) (IF2023=7.7)
(15) Liang Jin, Lihong Li, Lixian Zhou, Rongzhen Zhang*, Yan Xu, Jiming Li, Improving expression of Bovine lactoferrin N-lobe by promoter optimization and codon engineering in Bacillus subtilis and its antibacterial activity, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2019,67,9749-9756. (IF2023=5.7)
(1) Rongzhen Zhang, Yan Xu, Yaohui Li, Novel Hetero-oligomers of (S)-carbonyl Reductases and their Applications in Catalyzing Polyphenyl Ketones, 美国授权号:US10023882,2018年
(2) Rongzhen Zhang, Yan Xu, Kunpeng Li, Improved Stability and Efficient Synthesis of Chiral Alcohols by Sortase A-mediated Carbonyl Reductase Oligomers, 美国授权号:US10337033授权日:2019年
(3) Rongzhen Zhang, Yan Xu, Carbonyl Reductase Oligomer and Use Thereof in Synthesis of Chiral Alcohol,欧洲授权号EP 3399030B1,2020年
(4) Rongzhen Zhang, Yan Xu, (S)-Carbonyl Reductase Heteropolymers and Application Thereof in Catalysis of Polybenzene Ring Compounds, 欧洲授权号EP 3395946B1,2021年
(7)张荣珍,徐岩,Sortase A介导的(S)-羰基还原酶寡聚体高效催化(S)-苯基乙二醇的合成,CN201611250627.8,2019年
(8)张荣珍,徐岩,一种催化木糖的比酶活提高的葡萄糖脱氢酶突变体,CN201611214798.5 ,2019年
(3)国家基金面上项目,近平滑假丝酵母SCR四种同工酶相互结合形成异源酶催化多环类底物分子机制研究, 31970045, 2020.01-2023.12, 70万,主持,结题
(4)国家基金面上项目,羊布鲁氏菌7α-羟基固醇脱氢酶结构解析及其高效稳定催化制备7-氧代石胆酸的分子机制研究, 32271487,2023.01-2027.12,54万,主持,在研
(7)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题项目,重大化工产品的先进生物制造:手性醇生物不对称合成技术, 2011AA02A209,2011.01-2015.12, 80万,主持,结题
(10)2015年江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才资助项目:酵母孢子微胶囊(S)-羰基还原酶II有机相高效手性合成关键技术研究, 2015-SWYY-010,2015.12-2017.11,10万元,主持,结题
(11)泸州老窖大曲功能霉菌酯合成酯酶结构与功能研究,泸州老窖国家支撑计划子课题企业横向项目, PC0900097,2009.11-2013.10,45万,主持,结题
(4)徐岩,聂尧,穆晓清,刘鑫勤,张荣珍等,微生物氧化还原酶生物催化制备手性化合物关键技术的研究,教育部高等学校技术发明奖一等奖, 2008年